Why we train coaches and leaders

We believe that collaboration and effective communication are fundamental to the success of any organization. Human beings are born deeply curious, seeking connection. As we move through life, we can lose our curiosity, and cultivate a style of communication that focuses on influencing those around us, sometimes at the expense of learning from them. Learn Coaching was founded to help overcome these challenges.

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We meet leaders who are passionate about developing their people, yet struggle to coach and communicate effectively. Your intentions does not make you a good coach, practice does!  Coach Training increases curiosity, fosters innovation and sharpens communication skills.

We all experience and interpret life in our own unique way. In interaction with other people we are offered a chance to calibrate our understanding, see alternative perspectives and learn. This requires an open mindset, and ability to communicate. Coaching skills gives you that ability!


Life invites us to be true to our own experience, aware of own emotions, and to acknowledge what is really important to us. How we respond to that invitation varies according to how consciously we are living our lives.

Discovering and calibrating our own internal compass increases our self awareness and enables us to collaborate with others.

Our emotions are real, the hypotheses we create by analysing them are our personal interpretations.

The stories we tell ourselves; about what other people are like, why they act the way they do, or what values others are driven by - are merely our own assumptions. We believe leaders need to acknowledge that their perceptions are subjective. Developing inclusive leadership means enabling all team members to contribute to value creation.


Leaders with a coaching approach empower and develop their people, while also fostering creativity, innovation and collaboration.

To create space for others we need to live in alignment with our own values, practice self- management and continuously sharpen our skills through training. Coaches moving towards mastery in their profession, follow a similar development journey as leaders. To thrive as a professional coach means taking responsibility for both business and personal fulfillment. 

We have developed a coaching education for leaders, HR- professionals and anyone invested in increasing their communication skills. If you want to become professional coach, Learn Coaching is also the education for you.

Learn Coaching challenges you to develop your coaching, discover your own internal compass, and drive change. All in service of the people and organisations you lead or coach.